Education, Training & Development

By education, we refer to the processes and mechanisms by knowledge, learning, understanding as well as the physical capacities and cognitive faculties of the employees are cultivated and improved with the objective of introducing revisions or modifications to enhance and enrich the working environment. Education enables individuals—employees—to develops a logical and rational mind as a prerequisite for development of analytical and problem-solving skills. A rational and/or quality of mind is essential to understand basic principles of any subject or topic and education is indispensable.
Training provides opportunities for the acquisition and progressive accumulation of knowledge, skills, and abilities in pursuit of work or job responsibilities. Training refers to the process whereby all the relevant attitudes, skills, and capabilities to do a job or execute a task are increased.  Training can also be characterized as the process whereby new skills are learned and new knowledge is applied with the fundamental objective of improving individual and organizational performance of the current jobs in preparation or anticipation for future jobs. It is obvious that training equips and empowers the individual with new knowledge, skills, and abilities and in so doing enhances productivity by increasing capacity and/or output as well as minimizing or eliminating accidents and wastage of resources. Finally, training boosts employee morale and job satisfaction. 

Development refers to the overall growth of the employees and entails multiple parameters and dimensions. Development also assumes many expressions and manifestations including but not limited to learning opportunities designed and targeted for employees’ growth and improvement in productivity and performance.

Finally, while education focuses on increasing the knowledge and understanding of the employees, and training emphasizes the development of skills already possessed by an employee; development focuses on increasing the individual’s potential and extracting the latent qualities and talents of employees.